Get Ready for Some Spring Concreting! Concrete Construction & Repairs

With spring finally here, it is more important than ever to make sure all of the concrete at your home is looking and functioning its best. With warmer weather brings increased foot traffic as people start to get out and do the things they’ve been putting off all winter. So, don’t put off concrete construction at your Roseville residence or business any longer! After all, you don’t want someone to fall and hurt themselves because your concrete steps or sidewalk is in less than great shape. Not only is it a liability, but it is a preventable accident that doesn’t have to happen. Now that the harsh winter weather is behind us, and all of the harsh salt and destructive ice has gone with it; make spring the time to look into concrete construction.

Whether it’s building concrete steps, a sidewalk or driveway, tackling brickwork or adding stamped concrete to a patio or walkway, we always put our decades of experience to work. Wohlwend Concrete specializes in concrete construction, and we can think of several types of construction and repairs we do on concrete this time of year.

Gaps & Cracks

The expanding and contracting water that comes along with winter ice can cause concrete to crack and break, which could then present a hazard this spring. Repairs to concrete this time of year range from smaller ones, like repairing cracks in the concrete using a grinding and calking technique to some larger problems, like gaps that form between where your residential concrete meets brick or a similar type of material.


If your concrete steps or sidewalk is in really bad shape, you should definitely call us as soon as possible to get them fully replaced. You don’t want anyone to be walking in or out of your home or business, step on them and have them give away.

New Concrete Construction

Concrete is the perfect material for a variety of projects and is especially great for outdoor applications. As the weather warms up, it increasingly becomes a great time of year to install long lasting, beautiful concrete. We offer a variety of concrete construction services including:

  • Patios (Get ready for summer BBQs with a new, beautiful concrete construction patio!)
  • Steps
  • Pool decks (More summer fun!)
  • Driveways
  • Sidewalks
  • Curbs
  • Poured walls
  • And more!

If you would like more information on concrete construction in Roseville, call Wohlwend Concrete at 651-426-2610 or contact us to set up a Free Estimate.